PHASE 0 - Developing the Collection
- Created custom NFT generator that allows for combining GIFs at an efficient speed.
- Art for 4000 Animated NFTs with unique, hand-drawn traits.
PHASE 1 - Proof of Concept
- Kareta Clickr, an Aptos integrated minigame, A proof of concept for web-games with wallet connection, which allows the community a fair chance to earn Whitelists.
- Partner with Blue Chip NFTs for future integration in our webgames for their holders.
PHASE 2 - Launching the Community
- Kareta Collection Mint.
- Hiring Mods and Collab managers to help manage community.
- Maintain a vault for our future building expenses.
- Develop our own discord bot for holder verification and extra holder utility.
PHASE 3 - KaretaClickr
- Relaunch KaretaClickr with prizes and Holder-exclusive benefits.
PHASE 4 - Proof of Concept ( Kareta Hub )
- Developing Kareta Arcade Hub where Karetas + Partner NFTs in the Aptos community will play games for Prizes funded from our Vault.
- This hub will be an online server where wallets can connect and use their NFTs as playable characters.
- The hub will go online for holders to access and test as soon as a proof of concept is developed.
PHASE 5 - Making The Kareta Arcade reality with utility and gameplay.
PHASE 6 - Expanding the Ecosystem
- Developing more complex and detailed games into the arcade hub to match snowballing traction.
- Partner with NFT on other chains to onboard more users to Aptos-native projects.